Septic Field Remediation

We have the technology, equipment, and expertise to permanently relieve clogging.

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Over 80% of drain field failures are fully repairable through restoration of the aged and clogged soil.

Using certified advanced technology, we can often restore and save the existing drain field without the need for any system replacement. When soil clogs, it slows the wastewater from moving downward through the soil and typically causes raw sewage water to surface on or around the drain field.

Over time, an organic ‘biomat’ is created by bacteria and inhibits the soil’s filtering action of the water through the drain field, eventually building to the point where the ground becomes saturated and cannot accept any more liquid. The sewage then typically comes up through the ground to the surface posing a health and safety risk for you, your family and pets, and your property.

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Wet Drain Field

What does your drain field do?

Your drain field functions as an integral part of your septic system. It filters the water that leaves your septic tank through the soil, removing pollutants and pathogens to safely re-introduce the water back into the environment.

Problems occur, however, when over time, the filtering action of the soil is restricted by a slimy bacterial mucus that coats granules until they literally join together, rendering the soil impenetrable. This prevents the wastewater from draining down through the soil. We provide septic field remediation as part of our septic services. We use technology, equipment, and expertise to permanently relieve this clogging to ensure your home remains safe and your valued property and the health of your family is protected.

Septic System Winter Repair Services

We offer onsite emergency and general repair services year round, especially in the winter months when failures are most surprising and potentially devastating. Surface discharging your septic system can carry substantial fines and poses serious health & safety risks. Have a certified technician repair your system for long-term comfort & safety. CALL FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE & SERVICE.

  • Freeze Thaw
  • Back-ups
  • Alarms
  • Pumps
  • Electrical
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Signs You Have a Serious Drain Field Issue

You may notice a problem with your drain field and assume that it will heal itself – it won’t. This issue needs to be addressed before it is too late and is beyond the point of repairability.

Signs that you have a serious drain field issue:

  • Wet spots in the yard – When your septic drain field system starts to slow down and age-out, wastewater will seep up through the grass and be soft and mushy, usually presenting some odours.
  • Black slimy substance – On the surface of the drain field or the edges surrounding it, a black slimy substance can form and is an indication that the soil is restricted or the system is malfunctioning.
  • Freezing in winter – When the wastewater is restricted and moving slowly through the drain field, it will freeze in the winter, creating a solid block of ice that cannot be melted. When this happens, no water will enter the field and the septic tank will back up. It is very common for the field to once again accept some water over summer, then freeze again every winter. Once this starts, it only gets worse, never better on its own.NOTE: A very common practice/solution is to bypass and discharge to the surface or bush when the drainage system fails. This presents a significant risk to health and safety, is illegal, and can bring fines of up to $100,000. Repair or professional service is always available and is always the best choice.
  • Effluent pump running too often or for long periods – The first thing you may notice if your septic drain field is becoming restricted is the pump running for long periods (bursts) or engaging more often. This is caused when the drain field can accept some water, but not the amount it should and worsens quickly. Aside from field failure, this will greatly reduce the life of the pump and burn out the motor, running a risk of backup into the house.
  • Intermittent septic alarms that resolve themselves – If your alarm goes off for periods, then turns itself off on its own, that typically indicates that your system is still working, but too slowly. When this happens, water is entering your septic system faster than the ground will accept it. As the soil condition worsens, these alarms can become more frequent and last for a longer duration. This indicates the septic system condition is worsening, and time is running out to get this resolved.

If you are aware of the warning signs, you can catch the problem early enough to have professional, certified septic field remediation and restore your septic system’s function before a costly replacement is required.

Protect your home, your family,
and your septic system

Even if the signs of a clogged drain field seem mild, the last thing you want to do is wait until it becomes a bigger issue. If addressed in a timely way, septic field remediation can be done before replacement is necessary.

If you suspect your septic system is failing, call us as soon as possible. We have 24/7 emergency septic services available, and our team is here to help. We provide professional on-site assessments and provide you with a no-obligation consultation and estimate of the services available.

If you suspect your septic system is failing, call us as soon as possible. We have 24/7 emergency services available and our team is here to help. We provide professional on-site assessments and provide you with a no-obligation consultation and estimate of the services available.

Happy family outside with their dog
Smiling man in white shirt, holding clipboard

Septic system
inspection & reports

It’s important to keep your septic system well-maintained and up-to-date on inspections. You should be getting an annual inspection of your entire system rather than getting one when issues arise. Inspections can help prevent backups into the home, flooding, and serious damage to your property. We want to address potential problems early before they become an emergency repair or a costly replacement.

When we do a full inspection of your septic system, our on-site analysis and reporting include recommended maintenance and repairs that reflect what is on the inspection. We offer the most extensive inspections and reporting in our industry on all aspects of the septic system assessment.

How to Book Septic Field Remediation 

Contact us to book septic field remediation – we are prepared to answer any questions you may have about your septic system. SepTech Canada focuses on finding the most cost-effective and environmentally responsible solutions for every client.

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Septech Vans

"...Septech was genuinely interested in helping my family..."

Everyone involved was very professional. Septech was genuinely interested in helping my family with our septic needs. The follow up is also very nice, there is a strong sense of continued support. Looking forward to the continued relationship!

SepTech Customer | Aaron Mudryk

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