What to Expect During a SepTech Solutions Septic Tank Inspection: A Step-by-Step Guide

Septic Tank Inspection

We might be a bit biased, but we offer the best septic tank inspection in the industry. Compared to the other inspections we’ve come across, a SepTech Solutions inspection is the gold standard for what you want as a homeowner. 

Whether you’re looking to sell your property, you’re buying a home with a septic system, or you’re due for a regular inspection, you’ll be impressed with the amount of detail included in our high-quality septic tank inspections. 

In this guide, we will explain what to expect during the inspection process, what our technicians look for, and how we ensure that every assessment is comprehensive.

What to Expect During Your Septic Tank Inspection

Initial Consultation and System Overview

Before the inspection begins, our certified technicians will conduct an initial consultation with you to get a better understanding of your system’s history and any concerns you may have. This step is vital as it helps us tailor the inspection to your specific system and usage patterns. We’ll review past maintenance records, identify recurring issues, and discuss what to expect during the inspection.

Visual Inspection

Our inspection starts with a visual assessment of the overall septic system. Our technicians will examine the area around the septic tank and drain field, looking for any signs of obvious issues such as pooling water, unpleasant odours, or excessive vegetation growth. These are common indicators of potential problems that require further investigation.

Accessing the Septic Tank

Next, the septic tank is accessed for a more in-depth examination. Our technicians will remove the tank lid and inspect the contents, paying close attention to the levels of sludge and scum. This helps us determine whether the tank requires pumping and if the system is processing waste efficiently.

Assessing the Drain Field

As a crucial component of your septic system, your drain field is responsible for filtering and dispersing effluent into the soil. Our inspection includes a thorough assessment of the drain field to check for signs of clogging or failure. We use advanced diagnostic tools to evaluate soil absorption and identify any areas that may require remediation.

Testing Mechanical Components

A complete inspection also involves checking all mechanical components, including pumps, floats, filters, and alarms. These parts play essential roles in the operation of your septic system, and their proper function is crucial for preventing system failures. Our technicians will test each component to ensure it works correctly and efficiently.

Flow Testing

Flow testing is performed to evaluate the system’s ability to handle the typical water usage of your household. This involves running water through the system and monitoring how it flows through the septic tank and into the drain field. The test helps us identify any potential blockages or inefficiencies in the system.

Comprehensive Reporting

After the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the condition of your septic system. Our reports include a description of the system’s size, capacity, and overall health, along with any code compliance issues. We also provide recommendations for maintenance, repairs, or upgrades, ensuring that you are fully informed about the state of your system.

Maintenance Recommendations and Follow-Up Support

Our service doesn’t end when the inspection is finished. We offer ongoing support to help you maintain your septic system. If any issues were identified during the inspection, we will discuss the next steps, including any necessary repairs or preventative measures. Additionally, our proprietary Client Care System allows you to access your inspection reports and maintenance records at any time, making it easy to stay on top of your septic system’s needs.

Why Choose SepTech Solutions?

Our inspections go beyond the basics. Our team is committed to providing the highest quality service by using advanced technology and certified technicians who are experts in their field. With SepTech Solutions, you can trust that your septic system is in good hands. You’ll receive honest, accurate assessments designed to extend the life of your septic system and prevent costly repairs in the future.

Booking Your Septic Tank Inspection

Regular septic inspections are your first line of defence against system failures. Whether you’re maintaining your current system, preparing to sell your home, or purchasing a property with a septic system, SepTech Solutions offers the expertise and thoroughness you need. Contact us to schedule our comprehensive septic tank inspection service today.