The Importance of a Septic Tank Inspection Before Selling Your Home

Septic Tank Inspection

While a septic tank inspection isn’t required for a real estate transaction here in Alberta, it’s something both sellers and buyers should push for. Especially if your buyers have never owned a property with a septic tank before, they may not know to ask for an inspection.

As a responsible seller, conducting a septic tank inspection before listing your property is crucial. This ensures the system is in top condition and provides potential buyers with peace of mind, resulting in a successful sale.

Assurance of Functionality

When preparing to sell your home, potential buyers want to know that every aspect of the property is functional and well-maintained. A professionally inspected septic system gives the green light that the system is in good working order, adding to the home’s value and appeal. 

Certification of the system’s health can be a persuasive selling point and a reassurance to prospective buyers. A new septic system could cost between $60,000 and $100,000, which is not a bill you want to leave new homeowners with. Proper inspection helps to avoid last-minute hurdles that could delay or derail the sale.

Identifying and Addressing Issues

Septic system inspections can reveal hidden problems, such as leaks, clogs, or inefficiencies. Comprehensive inspections dot every I and cross every T to ensure no part of the septic system is left untouched. 

Identifying these issues early allows you to address them before they become significant and costly, maintaining the integrity of your property. This proactive approach enhances transparency in your dealings and is highly valued by buyers and real estate professionals alike.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

Your rural property needs a properly functioning septic system. It contributes significantly to its overall curb appeal, hygiene, and comfort. Issues like soggy drain fields or unpleasant odours can be off-putting to potential buyers and could decrease the property’s market value. 

A pre-sale inspection ensures these problems are resolved, enhancing the property’s curb appeal and making it more attractive to buyers.

Compliance with Local Regulations

Many localities require a septic inspection before a property sale. However, this is not the case in Alberta, although we think it should be. Being proactive about this requirement demonstrates diligence, streamlining the selling process. 

Septic Tank Inspections from SepTech Solutions

We often get calls from homeowners who have purchased a property in the last 18 months and require a new septic system, costing them up to $100,000 when it could have been avoided with a comprehensive inspection before the sale. 

We’ve created an industry-leading inspection and provide homeowners with a detailed report that includes the condition and size of the tank, a full assessment of the drain field area, landscaping or grading concerns that may influence system operation, concerns regarding the sizing of the system compared to the occupancy of the home, the condition of mechanical and plumbing equipment, alarms, etc., including testing and analysis of their performance, and much more. 

Septic tank inspections usually fall outside the scope of a standard home inspection, as home inspectors lack the specialized training required to assess such a complex system. Our expert technicians, however, are fully qualified to conduct comprehensive septic inspections, providing you with a thorough understanding of the system’s condition and quality.